This page covers most all potential related to software errors. The majority of these errors are anti-virus and anti-malware programs false flagging a software program as malicious or dangerous. This can result in:

  1. The anti-virus deletes the software program as soon as it is downloaded.
  2. Chrome blocks download of the software program.
  3. The inability of a software program to write data to file.

Most of the time the correction is a matter of white listing the software program within your PC's anti-virus and anti-malware programs. The exact procedure will vary, depending upon your Windows version and which anti-virus anti-malware programs you have running on your PC. The best bet is to simply search Google for 'how to whitelist software in [your antivirus programs name]' so, for example, if you have Avast anti-virus, 'how to whitelist software in Avast' ...