This page contains the complete users manual for the Razer DeathAdder Elite Mouse which includes step by step instructions for downloading Razer Synapse software which allows you to customize every aspect of the Razer DeathAdder Elite Mouse.

This Razer DeathAdder Elite mouse manual covers every aspect of completely personalizing the Razer DeathAdder mouse to your needs and covers the following topics:

  • Downloading the Razer Synapse software. This is the software that allows you to program the Razer DeathAdder Elite mouse.
  • Assigning Macros to each of the Razer DeathAdder Elite buttons and how to record and edit these macros.
  • Creating and saving profiles to you can save multiple custom settings for the Razer DeathAdder Elite mouse.
  • Programming the lighting effects of the Razer mouse.
  • How to maintain your Razer DeathAdder Elite gamers mouse ...