This page contains a link to major discounts for the Clickbank weight loss product Trouble Spot Fat Loss by Bruce & Janet that shows you how to reset the hormones in your body to make losing excess weight and spot fat much faster and easier.

The secret behind Trouble Spot Fat Loss resides in 4 specialized drink recipes that act to reset the major hormones in your body that are directly responsible for body fat and weight loss.

Here are the 4 specialized weight loss drinks and what they target:

  • Cortisol Reset Protocol - to specifically target belly fat loss.
  • Estrogen Reset Protocol - to specifically target butt and thigh fat loss.
  • Thyroid Reset Protocol - to specifically target back fat.
  • Testosterone Reset Protocol - to specifically target chest and love handle fat loss.

Trouble Spot Fat Loss comes with the following:

  1. Trouble Spot Fat Loss main manual.
  2. Dr. Lee's Hormonal Map.
  3. Cortisol Reset Protocol.
  4. Estrogen Reset Protocol.
  5. Thyroid Reset Protocol.
  6. Testosterone Reset Protocol ...