This page contains a link to discounts of 80% off retail price for the product Morning Fat Melter by Dawn Sterrit which shows you how to lose 1 lb. of fat per day with a simple modification to your diet and a fairly low intensity, low impact, 15 minute workout routine.

Morning Fat Melter:

  • Increases your energy and stabilizes your blood sugar.
  • Only requires 15 minutes of exercise per day.
  • Has tons of other tips for improving your appearance and health.

When you purchase and download the Morning Fat Melter you get ...

  1. The Morning Fat Melter main manual.
  2. The Morning Fat Melter quick start guide.
  3. Morning Fat Melter diet plan.
  4. Morning Fat Melter 15 minute workout routine.

One of Dawn Sterrits students was so successful with the Morning Fat Melter that she was given the trainer of the year award ...