This page contains step by step text and image instructions on how to download a video from or any other video website, in the Internet Explorer web browser, without having to install any software, app or browser extension to download the video.

Downloading a video on a website is usually blocked these days via a Javascript method referred to as blob: in which the URL or web address where the video resides remains hidden from the website visitor.

This video hiding trick can easily be overcome by simply making the target website think you are visiting the website in a small mobile device. While the video is playing, the Internet Explorer developers console, which is built in to and a part of the Internet Explorer web browser, reveals the URL of the video, allowing you to download it.

To download any video from YouTube in the Internet Explorer web browser:

  1. Go to the web page on YouTube or other website where the video is that you wish to download.
  2. Press F12 on the keyboard to ...