This page is going to show you how to keep the usage of your Amazon Fire TV Stick and any Amazon Fire TV data private and prevent this information from being transmitted to, which is the default of the Amazon Fire TV Stick.

It is sad to say the privacy and respect for privacy, these days, is long and forever gone. Amazon is just among the thousands of other companies that want to steal your privacy and have no respect for it.

Fortunately, you can change these lack of privacy settings within the Amazon Fire TV settings menu, and take additional steps to completely ensure any data and information associated with your use of your Amazon Fire TV Stick are completely scrambled to anyone trying to spy on you.

Here are step by step instructions for keeping your Amazon Fire TV usage and data usage private:

  1. Go to your Amazon Fire TV home screen by pressing the HOME button on the Fire TV remote control.
  2. Press the right side of the ...