This page is going to show you the 2 main ways you can get back at email spam and email spammers: [1] make the email spammer the victim of email spam. [2] report the email spammer.

Email spam is something nobody welcomes and the only person whoever really benefits from email spam is the email spammer. The whole idea behind email spam and why people engage in this obnoxious act is for the purpose of making money but it is done in a method that shows that spammer cares nothing about the person who buys and the spammer has not interest in actually helping anyone else but himself.

How to Make the Email Spammer a Victim of Spam:

Perform the following specialized Google searches to find websites where you can subscribe the spammer to tons of things the email spammer does not want to be subscribed to. The first time you do this it will require a fair amount of time and effort on your part BUT ...