This page is going to show you one of the most powerful, most damaging and most long term ways to get even with someone that will haunt them for years to come.

If you do a search online for how to get even with a cheating spouse, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife,etc., there are all kinds of suggestions and most of these suggestions on how to legally get even with a cheating mate are pretty lame.

  • Stop sleeping with them.
  • Steal one of their friends.
  • Sleep with one of their freinds.

All of these suggestions are totally lame. Want to know the best and most devious way to get back at someone who cheated on you?

Make them the most famous person on the internet revealing all of their most intimate secrets they would never want getting out. This may sound difficult to do but it is actually so easy you will not believe it and I am going to show you exactly ...