This page provides you with a free browser extension (called a bookmarklet) that allows you to instantly reveal the password that is hidden behind asterisks or the dots on a web page log in form.

The way this browser extension works is that when it is clicked, the code looks for input elements that are of the type password on the current web page. Any input element of the type password automatically hides the password that is in the text box with asterisks *** or dots ..... That is the default behavior of an input element on a web page that has the property of type="password".

A simple click of this bookmarklet changes the type of the input element from password to text thereby instantly revealing the password that is in the password text box.

To use this reveal password under asterisks browser extension:

  1. Drag and drop the bookmarklet to your web browser favorites or bookmarks bar.
  2. When you are on a web page where you wish to reveal the password ...